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  • Parasu Gopalan

Principal Benefits of Heartfulness Meditation

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

To understand what meditation is, we must demystify some of the common misconceptions/fear regarding the practice of meditation. Let us first understand What Meditation is not?

Some people may be under the misapprehension that the objective of meditation is to control the mind, and this is often considered to be difficult. In Heartfulness Meditation, we do not try to control the mind, but with constant practice, regulation of the mind is achieved.

Further there may be this unfulfilled expectation that the aspirant will be induced with a state of thoughtlessness right from beginning of his/her meditation experience. In heartfulness meditation though the burden of the thoughts invariably decreases with time, we are trained to accept and live with whatever thoughts that may arise during meditation.

I felt it necessary to demystify various aspects of meditation as it is commonly perceived.

One of the unique features of the Heartfulness Meditation is the infusion of Yogic Transmission (called Pranahuti in Sanskrit) into the heart of the aspirant by a qualified Heartfulness Trainer. This Pranahuti is nothing but pure Love emanating from the Source (also known by different names such as Adi, Iswara, Paramatma, Khuda, Holy Spirit etc.) and the aspirant can possibly feel its profound effect in the very first Heartfulness meditation session. I find it difficult to add any further description to it. But I invite you to have a practical experience of the same, which will convince you of its efficacy. It is Pranahuti which brings added life, wonder and joy to the Heartfulness practice.

The mind blocks and apprehensions relating to meditation practices are easily eliminated in Heartfulness, because of the element of Pranahuti, by making the practices simple for the aspirant. Pranahuti make all the difference to the practice Your Heartfulness Trainer will elaborate and clarify to you on these aspects when you will take up Heartfulness Meditation.

Another important feature of the Heartfulness Meditation system is known as “cleaning” which is done at end of each day by the aspirant. During the process, the aspirant can remove all the accumulated emotional burden of the impressions gathered during the day. As a result, the soul feels totally refreshed and reinvigorated -in the same manner as one’s body would, on taking a cool shower at the end of a hot summer day. Progressively as the aspirant continues the practice, obliteration of the accumulated baggage of emotional burden (generally known as Karmas) happens. By leading an appropriate lifestyle, further accumulation of such burdens can be arrested.

The four pillars of Heartfulness Practices are Relaxation, Meditation, Cleaning, and Prayer. We have briefly touched upon the topics of meditation and cleaning. Through Heartfulness Relaxation, we learn to relax, which is vital for well-being. It reduces tension in all parts of your body and helps us to stay balanced even in stressful situations. Through a simple bedtime prayerful intention, you can connect humbly with your inner self, listen to your heart’s voice, and weave your destiny.

Now it must be borne in mind that upto early part of 20th Century, the people in general took to meditation with an aspiration for God Realization. Slowly over a period, the goal lowered into a desire for a peaceful life on Earth. These days, people are largely induced to take up meditation with various objectives such as stress relief, health benefits etc., only if it would help them in the better conduct of their day to day lives.

Whatever may have induced the aspirant to commence the practice of meditation, in the Heartfulness System he/she is guided to delve deep within their inner self and connect to the Source in their heart. Over a period, the aspirants, which include a large number of youths from all over the world, realise that, this search within, does not cause in any obstacles towards performance of their worldly duties. On the other hand, they can perform their tasks with much more diligence -a practical application of Lord Krishna’s famous quote in Bhagwat Gita- “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” –Yoga is skill in action. In the process one learns to fly, as a bird would, with both wings of one’s existence, i.e. material and spiritual.


Practice of Heartfulness System including meditation sessions with a Trainer is always free of charge. There are about 13000 qualified Heartfulness Trainers worldwide in over 130 countries. You can search for a nearby Heartfulness Trainer here at and seek an appointment now, wherever you may be in this world.

The application and integration of Heartfulness practices in our daily lives, result in a feeling of lightness of the system, so that one feels connected, initially in intervals and a later stage, continuously with the Source within us. Again, it must be reiterated that in the Heartfulness System, it is this Pranahuti which facilitates and simplifies this process of delving deep within oneself, which is generally otherwise thought to be complex and difficult to experience. Gradually, the feeling of Love expands to encompass every other being in the planet and universe.

I have enumerated only a few features which I find attractive in the Heartfulness system. The field is so vast and there is so much to grasp that I consider myself to be one of the six blind men, who tried to describe the elephant, each as per his perception, resulting in a limited understanding. You may visit the website for more details or contact your nearest trainer for further information.

If you are engaged in any other spiritual practice, you can try Heartfulness Meditation in parallel. You can experience as to how it adds depth to your existing practice. Further if you wish you can continue to offer Guru Dakshina to your existing Guru. Revered Shri Kamlesh Patel, Global Guide, Heartfulness movement says, " My ideas are to bring every spiritual tradition under one roof. Hope it happens soon."

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