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  • Parasu Gopalan

The Food Paradox

Of late I have been thinking about food and liquor and the effect it has on the human system. There are many theories about the consumption of sattvic food, (normally meant to be food without garlic, onion, eggs, meat, and liquor) and it is contribution to the mental make up of those consuming the same.

There is a lot of research on the subject and I have reproduced a few samples of what is available on the internet.

1. Chef, Devashish & Pandey, Devashish. (2021). SATVIK FOOD -ITS INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE.

Satvik food is considered as one of the safe, organic, and energetic food. Due to change in schedule and lifestyle our food habit is disturbed a lot…….

Satvik foods are foods that are copious in Prana-the universal life-force that allows life to both plant and animal kingdoms. A Satvik diet is not only vegetarian food but also rich in Prana-'life-force' like organic fruits and vegetables.

It requires cutting down of canned and processed food, and food which is influenced with chemical fertilizers or sprays. It also means efficiently and cautiously prepared fresh foods. Foods prepared with love and care will add to their Satvik quality.


What exactly is Sattvic food?

According to Ayurveda, food which has the predominance of ‘Sattva’ quality is Sattvic and it keeps one’s body and mind healthy and happy. Sattvic food is cooked in a very simple way with very little oil and spices. The diet majorly includes fresh fruits, vegetables (except garlic and onion), dry fruits, milk, whole grains, and much more.

What is the science behind the Sattvic diet?

As per Ayurveda, our diet is divided into three categories: Sattvic, Tamasic and Rajasic. Rajasic foods keep the body very active which causes restlessness, problems of sleeping, anger, irritability. Tamasic foods make the body and mind sluggish and lazy. It contains more oil, spicy and fatty foods, stale foods, and even non-vegetarian foods.

If one goes by these concepts, one can be led to the belief that those who consume sattvic food lead a life resulting in a healthy body and mind as against those who consume non sattvic food.

But my own experience of interaction with a wide spectrum of people who consume variety of of food is different. I have friends whose diet may be Sattvic and others who may be including the non-sattvic food in their diet. Across the varied dietary habits, I have observed people to be calm composed, radiating positive energy and leading a life full of joy. On the other hand, I have known a few persons, who are habituated to intake of sattvic food only, and yet they radiate negative energy wherever they are present. Needless to add, this is not a generalisation.

Therefore something more than the food we consume appear to contribute to the outlook of human nature. And that “ something” could be the thinking process adopted by the individuals and its effect on moulding the mind. I call it the “Sattvic Thoughts” i.e., the purity of thoughts, which contributes to the mental make-up of a person and makes him radiate positivity. Conversely the absence of “ Sattvic Thoughts” makes a person radiate negative energy. The home environment, upbringing and the thought process which develops as we grow to adulthood contributes to the type of energy radiated by individuals.

Does that mean that the type of food we consume do not have any effect on us ? I think there is a relation and we will come back to idea in a little while.

But let us discuss another misconception. For example, it is generally believed that meditation can instil a sense of calmness and reduce stress. That may be so and there are many research studies to back this thinking. But in my life, I have come across individuals who do not meditate, but yet are stress-free, calm, peaceful and generally lead a joyous life. Therefore, these traits are not exclusive for meditators. So, what does effective meditation really offer ? It can mean different things to different individuals. To some it may be a method of relaxation, calming down of the mind, stress buster etc. To me however it offers something more profound.

Though I started Heartfulness practices, without any definite objective in mind, yet I must say that it has given me a conscious glimpse of existence of a world beyond this earthly existence. Scriptures talk of other worlds to which we must go to after we leave this mortal remains behind. Books such as “The Laws of the Spirit World” ( by Khurshid Bhavnagari), “Dying to be Me.” ( by Anita Moolchandani ) and “Many Lives, Many Masters” ( By Brian Weiss) give us an understanding of the existence of other worlds.

But that is not the same thing as being conscious of another dimension. It is this consciousness which a practice like Heartfulness can produce in us.

Some may call this expansion of consciousness as delving into divinity, but I really have no evidence by way of previous experience to substantiate this.

Coming back to the question of appropriateness of food, simple food prepared with lot of love, consumed with gratitude to the Maker, in an adjusted lifestyle, does contribute the enhancement of this consciousness.

In the end I would like to conclude by saying that every meditation session creates a yearning for, and intuitively reminds one of the comfort of the Eternal Home to which all of us must return to. For this consciousness I must be eternally grateful to my Maker.

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